Wednesday, September 23, 2009

To Catch a Thief

This is courtesy of a co-worker...

About a month ago, I set a trap because I was suspicious that someone was going in my desk draw. I have some Nutri-Grain Cereal Bars and (I had) some small packages of Nekot Cookies. First, my nutria-grain bars were missing. Now the bandit has taken my Nekot cookies. I bought some Newton’s Fruit Crisps Snacks that I leave on my desk. But noooooooooo, he/she/it…took my Lance Nekot Cookies with Peanut Butter.

I thought the thief was at least an honest thief. I left a note in the draw which read, “What in the Hell R, U, looking for. The next time, leave me a note that you stopped to steal my cookies. Well, guess what? My note is missing.

The moral of this true story is; I am not mad because if the bandit did not have a sense of humor, my note would still be here.

Thanks for letting me Vent.


  1. Sista,

    That is funny. I don't know why it is that co-workers would steal from those they work with. It's happened to me and I don't keep anything of value in my workdesk. I've even had someone steal my lotion; so it's not just food.


  2. I've had some personal items taken. Tampons, cans of pop and some of my cassette tapes when I used them. Who knows why co-workers feel the need to steal?

  3. U: lotion?

    msladydeborah: at least they didn't "BORROW" the tampons


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