In an effort to expose my kids to the political events of the nation, we listen to C-SPAN Radio on XM in our daily commute. I never know how much they retain since they sometimes sleep in our half-hour travels. Nonetheless, I have continued this routine, at least I can listen in peace.
At dinner earlier this week, my niece (age 11) recalled the Washington Journal show where the topic was the Ecomonic Stimulus package and whether people were for or against it. She wanted to discuss a caller who claimed he had to wait three weeks for an unemployment check. Along with Hubby, we explained the call. It was great that she was actually listening and wanted to discuss it further.
On the way to my mom's house yesterday afternoon, we listened to the impeachment proceedings from the Illinois state congress, I explained to them the purpose of the event. Explaining the role of the governor and the charges against Rod Blagojevich, they seemed interested, especially my son (age 7). He said no more of it as we were later heading home hours later. After listening to the Governor's speech for a few minutes, my son says out loud, 'Momma, he's lying.' This comes from the same kid who claims a classmate lies better than he does. I had to smile as I asked him why he thought so. To my surprise, he repeated many of the statements we just heard and said they were not true. Then he asked me, 'Momma, is what he said true?' All I could say was, 'I don't know yet, I'll have to research first.' We continued to listen for the rest of the ride home.
2 hours ago